Friday, February 27, 2009

To Touch, or not To Touch

So, been putting gift cards aside to eventually buy a new laptop...but there's this little device that keeps calling my name...iPod Touch. I know, I know...but I've already fallen and bought an iPod Nano (3rd Gen). Do I use these cards and get the Touch now, or wait and save them for laptop? I'm a bit of a gadget/techno-head. I'm also hoping to upgrade my phone to a touchscreen version when a year is up on my contract (March 3rd).

Music is a big part of my life, and I'm looking at the 16GB one. It's $299 now at Waly-World. I currently have a 4GB, and that stores what I listen to nicely, but could use a little more room. Plus, the Touch has games and other software on it, possibly be used as a PDA as well. I really would like one, but...I can't honesty justify spending that much :P

grrr....arrgh.........stop making shiny things for me to want!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Lent and Resolutions

So, today(well, the 25th, but I haven't gone to bed yet) was Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent in Western Orthodoxy. I decided for this year I was going to give up caffeinated pop, energy drinks, chocolate and chips. Already I'm craving :P I've done this before, with pop, and it worked rather well. Sundays are great though, since I'm allowed to indulge, but even then I try to limit myself. We'll see how it works this year, with all those things off my list.

My other resolution, was to start walking again...that didn't last past the first day. I'll give it another go though. Some is better than none.

Also got these resistance band thingies I'm gonna give a try at. At least those I can do while still sitting at my computer ;)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Movie review and a little bit of whining

So, watched Max Payne last night (rented off iTunes). It was good, but definately glad I rented and didn't buy. Visuals were _very_ nice, but the plot...well, it _is_ based on an older game. His wife and baby are killed, he wants justice, that's about as old school as you can get. Without spoiling anything, I'll just say that it's an easy guess who-dun-it. Now I will say again, some _nice_ visuals :)

Now for the whining...why can't hubbies learn? Not only does he hog the blankets, but the bed space too. What's worse, last night he was actually sleeping on my side completely and made barely enough room for me when I went to bed. Practically had to elbow him LOL. What does he have to say for himself? Nothing, just laughs. Grrr.....

Monday, February 23, 2009

Teh First

Okay, so I like to follow what chibidani does...immitation is the best form of flattery!

Like Danielle, I too once had a LiveJournal got forgotten. I'll give this a try now :D Why not ;)

I like comments!!