Sunday, November 21, 2010

Yes, I'm still alive

Wow, it's been how long since my last post? Ah well, at least I had the urge to post again at all.

Been playing WoW pretty regularly (read, every day) and even have actually starting running with a guild and doing dungeons. This is big for me, as I tend not to like getting in with a group. Guildies are great though, even quite amusing lol.

Real life: work still sucks, but at least we have a full time manager...though she's not doing so well.

Life really doesn't change all that much for me. I'm content though.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

stabby stabby

The Ice Queen has struck again. God I hate her sometimes. Acts like a child, which makes me react in kind and then feel bad about it, even if she deserves it. Yes, I should have called her. I didn't. She refuses to do what was obvious, then tries to make me feel like the guilty party. Well it worked, I do, and now my 4 days off are probably ruined because my gut is just rolling with tension. I'm expecting a call early tomorrow morning. I refuse to apologize this time though, they can write me up for it if they want.

I know I reacted childishly with her, and I know I should have called her earlier, but she doesn't make me want to do anything for her. Is it too much to ask that she use her head? The other day, told by the boss something, and she snarks and complains right off the bat. Her snark was silly, it was obvious what to do, she just had to make a remark though.

We all have bad days...she doesn't seem to have good days though. Today was one of my bad days, partially understandable this being day 7 with a double shift thrown in. I'm sorry if my brain didn't kick in before my mouth did, but she deserved it. I'm tired of everyone having to tip-toe around her just to make sure she's happy. Why should we? Especially when she seems to go out of her way to make our lives miserable.

Gah!! Too much complaining, but at least I feel a little better. Tomorrow will bring what it will, and the Ice Queen will just be even more frosty towards me for a while. I think I can live with that...maybe...just don't be surprised if you get reports of a brutal murder, or me in the looney bin.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

...just floored

So, got a call dad and step-mum have split. He is currently on his way to the Island. I'm still a little in shock, though I'm also not surprised at the same time. Things weren't going well for them, financially, so she called it quits...but 'we'll see when you get your life together and start making money'. I told dad not to get back together with her. I'm biased though, I haven't liked her since...well, before we moved in. Living in that house was like walking on needles all the time.

Dad's gonna work for a bit, save for a boat, then live on that while he continues to work. A friend said 'mid-life crisis'...yeah, maybe, but I like to think he deserves it. He's not going out and buying a fancy new car and finding younger women to 'date', he's finding a place to hopefully be happy. He's moving closer to his own mother, who does have cancer and could die very quickly. I do worry though...he needs quite a bit of medication, and that's costly. His work he'd be doing isn't the best for him...but it's all he's got.

I'm mad and relieved and worried and upset. It means I don't have to call Ingrid 'mum' anymore. I don't have to try to make time to call her or visit. I'll be glad to sever ties with her, not that they were strong in the first place.

I'm worried for dad for financial and emotional well-being though. He does have family close on the Island though, at least. *wry grin* And he's a survivor.

*deep breathe and big sigh* Dear Lord, keep my daddy safe. Provide for him in his hour of need, and let him feel the support of his family and friends around him. Hold him gently in your hands, and guide his steps. Amen.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Yes, I'm still alive...

Okay, haven't posted in a while, so here I am. I finished off Dragon Age and Torchlight, and got back into WoW. Still have Last Remnant to finish...eventually.

Work is hectic like always :P

Oh, I've got my new laptop (Yay!!) and while I love it, it showed me that I might be needing a new monitor soon :( The white isn't so white on it anymore.

Not much else, sadly.

I did see the torch when it went through...very anti-climatic. Hard to get excited about something when everyone is complaining to you about it. Am happy we won against the US in hockey though ;)

Okie, off to listen to more Wheel of Time and play WoW.

Friday, February 5, 2010


So, finally going to go to a D&D session tonight. Possibly tomorrow too. This means actual interaction with actual people, in a non-work environment. Not sure I remember how :P I really want to have some fun there, I've had a kinda pissy day at work. It's not a glamorous job, but take it a little more seriously people *sigh*.

Anyhoo, got my stuff together and some dice, but think a new set is in order. Unfortunately, there is no longer a store in town that sells them. Will have to ask the others where I can get some.

Other than that...not a whole lot going on with me...not that anyone reads this. Blah.......

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Facebook obsessed

I'm currently addicted to the silly Facebook games right now. Farm Town, Cafe World, Pet Ville, Fish Ville, etc.

Really...that was all I had to say...:P

Later addition: I guess I should be kinda excited about the torch going thru here tomorrow, it prolly won't ever happen again, but I'm going to be busy with work and there's so much controversy over this Olympics...the 'specialness' of it is missing :P

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Been a while

So, been a while since I posted last. Got out of the habit since I realized...I'm really just talking to myself here :P

Spent the day playing Dragon Age: Origins. 'Beat' the game (got _an_ ending) and really...kinda anti-climactic. I was on easy mode though, and well, everyone just goes on bickering and fighting anyway...kind of like the real boring. Started up again with a different char, but think tomorrow is gonna be less focused on that...we'll see.

Talked to a dietitian on Monday...already broke my 'diet'. I'm sorry, I don't like going to bed feeling hungry. Anyway, gonna try again. Have to report to her in a month.

I think I'm gonna go to bed now.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

That just made my day :D

So, ordered a replacement shirt and a new one from MegaGear. They arrive yesterday, but instead of Evil Minion, I got Evil l33t. So I send an e-mail to them explaining that while I like the Evil l33t shirt, I had my heart set on an Evil Minion one. Reply e-mail: Keep that one _and_ we'll send you the right one too. I love them!! I's very happy and a smidge of faith in the human race has returned...and from American's no less :P

Monday, January 4, 2010

Random e-mails from long lost friends

Had a dentist appointment this morning, and when I get back, I see I have an e-mail from someone. The name is familiar, but isn't clicking until I see their e-mail address. It's a 'friend' off Gaia that I haven't spoken to in way too long that went to Afghanistan (joined the military). This makes my day, that someone who should have just written me off 'cause I never e-mail him or anything, just drops me a line. It really is nice to hear from him, and now know he's okay.


Sunday, January 3, 2010


Just did a double movie night. Been wanting to do that for a while. Went and saw Avatar and Sherlock Holmes.

Avatar = phenomenal. Go see. Now. I'll wait.

*2:45hrs later*

I told you.

Sherlock Holmes was good too :)

Back to Avatar. I WANT ONE!!! Gorgeous!!! Spectacular! Shiny! Man...that show was just so 'wow' I can't believe it. The story, admittedly, wasn't anything new but you forget about that in all the glorious pretty things they throw at you. Really, after half an hour, I just accepted that for most of the movie I'll be watching a CG character that I couldn't distinguish wasn't a real person. This is the movie that Hi-Def was made for.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Yay, first post of 2010!

I remember watching shows talking about the year 2010...where's my flying cars and implanted computer chips with personal holographic displays!?!?

Anyhoo, just finished watching The End of Time, part 2 and the Confidential to go with it. Crap...bye bye Mr. Tennant, we'll sorely miss ye!

Mr. Smith (ironic) you have very, very large shoes to fill and I don't envy you (well, I do, but not the pressure you're under now).

(Side note, I'm thinking with a British/Scottish accent right now)

Okay, we've got three doctors in the current series...time for a 'The Three Doctors' special? Anyone? Anyone?

So, Happy New Years to everyone! It didn't really feel like the first day of the new year until today actually.

Work is busy, but tomorrow I get to go see Avatar right after work :D Looking forward to that.

Found out a friend is two months pregnant...that's a real shocker...but I'm so glad 'cause she's going to be the most awesomest mother!!

Ummmmm...._really_ want to get a DnD session going here. Been listening to 'Gabe and Tyco', Scott Kurtz and Wil Wheaton play DnD on the Penny Arcade podcasts (yes, old, but just 'discovered' them). I wanna play too!!!

Not much else to say I guess *shrugs and 'signs off'*