Saturday, January 2, 2010


Yay, first post of 2010!

I remember watching shows talking about the year 2010...where's my flying cars and implanted computer chips with personal holographic displays!?!?

Anyhoo, just finished watching The End of Time, part 2 and the Confidential to go with it. Crap...bye bye Mr. Tennant, we'll sorely miss ye!

Mr. Smith (ironic) you have very, very large shoes to fill and I don't envy you (well, I do, but not the pressure you're under now).

(Side note, I'm thinking with a British/Scottish accent right now)

Okay, we've got three doctors in the current series...time for a 'The Three Doctors' special? Anyone? Anyone?

So, Happy New Years to everyone! It didn't really feel like the first day of the new year until today actually.

Work is busy, but tomorrow I get to go see Avatar right after work :D Looking forward to that.

Found out a friend is two months pregnant...that's a real shocker...but I'm so glad 'cause she's going to be the most awesomest mother!!

Ummmmm...._really_ want to get a DnD session going here. Been listening to 'Gabe and Tyco', Scott Kurtz and Wil Wheaton play DnD on the Penny Arcade podcasts (yes, old, but just 'discovered' them). I wanna play too!!!

Not much else to say I guess *shrugs and 'signs off'*

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