Sunday, November 22, 2009

Wil Wheaton, Big Bang Theory, Steam and Me

So, been immersing myself in podcasts and audiobooks by Wil Wheaton lately. First it was 'Memories of the Futurecast', then 'Just a Geek'. Memories was extremely funny and highly entertaining, and I feel like I could walk up to Wil and strike up a normal conversation with the man. Just a Geek only made that feeling more real. He shared a whole lot of his life story and troubling times with his audience in that one. I feel like I should go find his blog and read it, start to finish. Now, I never hated Wesley Crusher on TNG, but that might have been because I was too young to see the bad dialogue. All I saw was a cute boy on a sci-fi show roughly my age. I had a crush :P It continued with Lucas Walencek(sp?) in seaQuest, I'm ashamed to admit. Anyhow, Wil got me reinterested in blogging, and really made me feel for him. If I ever get the chance to go to a Con where he is performing, that will be on my 'Must See' list, with a possible photo op and autograph signing, but for his blog and books. Go Wil!

Big Bang Theory, a show a number of my friends said I had to see. Well, I got a hold of a copy of the first season DVDs and started watching them. It's a half hour sitcom...I don't like I can't say I'm going to rave about it. However, for what it is, I would have no problem watching it if someone flipped to it. The two main chars start the series off showing up at a high IQ sperm bank, then proceed to discuss the 'protocol' for not donating after all. They are geniuses, and with that comes eccentricities. Leonard, the more normal of the two, is the one I think the audience is supposed to relate too...I think Sheldon is great. He is the more eccentric of the two, the least connected to the mundane world, and I find myself watching mostly to see what trouble he gets them into. The cliche 'pretty blond across the hall' love interest is given to Leonard of course, and she is played fairly stupid to their brilliant. I mean, I know more about what they talk about than she does. But, she brings 'humanity' to the group. Their two other friends, 'The Raj' and 'Sexual Harassment already happened' guy, I could do mostly without. Especially Sexual Harassment guy, who I think is trying to look like a Beatle? Overall, it did get a few good laughs at me, and I managed to watch the first five eps or so all in a row without stopping in disgust. So, for a sitcom, it's not bad.

Steam. to be exact. A game site that allows you to download games _legally_ for less than box price (with weekly specials even) and behaves similar to the online PS3 setup. You have a friends list and chat windows, and can have other friends join you in the online sections of the game you download. Another neat feature, is if you install the client on another computer, you can connect to your account and download any game you own to that computer. This will come in handy as I bought Overlord (fun addicting game) for $5.99USD and now Colin wants to play as well. The games look good, and are the PC versions of their console counterparts. I started doing this after much encouragement from my friend Shawn, since he's been on it since it began...almost. Also, he showed me Dragon Age, and I'm hooked and will prolly get it through Steam. Apparently, you can insert non-Steam games into your Steam client as well, so I could WoW to show up in it's launching window...if I understood correctly. It's a neat 'gadget', and I'm enjoying it so far. If nothing else, it was worth it to get Overlord at that price.

Me. Personal section now I guess. Not so nice really, as I've recently had a major falling out with a long time friend of mine. It appears it's really over this time, as I've been banned from things that I'd never been banned from before during our worst fights. I'm sad, but to be honest, I think it was time. There was more annoyance and grumbling between us than friendship. Maybe, in a while, we'll talk again but I don't think we'll be the friends we were. If that person reads this, I don't know why they would, all I have to say is 'I'm sorry it didn't work out.'

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